Thursday, May 21, 2009

Field Day....Balloon Butt Popping!

Today I volunteered to help with the elementary school field day! It was super funny. I ran the 1 and second grade balloon popping relay. There were two teams and one at a time they had to run down and sit on their balloon to make it pop! It was hilarious!! Some kids hated the sound so they would plug their ears while trying to pop their balloon. Some of the kids were really little so it was hard for them to pop their made me laugh! Here are some of my favorite pictures of the day :

One of the kids goes to my church and he was sitting on the blacktop with some of his first grade friends making faces at me and calling my name when my back was turned and acting like it wasn't him who was doing it. The boys were laughing and laughing! So I marched over there acting like i was mad and they immediately stopped laughing and their faces looked terrified. But when they realized that I was kidding they thought it was so funny!

Also Adam and i were walking in the kindergarten hallway and this little girl looked up at him and said, "WOW, your really tall!" it made me laugh because Adam didn't really know what to say!

It was an interesting and funny morning to say the least! Tonight Adam and I are helping my mom work the concession stand at the ball diamond. I will probably be super bored. Also SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE starts tonight!!!! WAHOOOO!!!


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