Thursday, May 14, 2009

Home Sweet home!

I am offically home sweet home!!! it is kinda bittersweet because I love my friends from school, but i also am super excited to leave for camp in two weeks and be with my camp friends! I am going to try and enjoy being at home and doing nothing for those two weeks...but it will be difficult seeing as i have a lot to get done before camp!

I came home to a little surprise yesterday....MY NEW CAMERA!!!! Now the new battery hasnt come in yet so i can't post any pictures up yet but here is what my camera looks like:


  1. Waoh Kellyn! You're new camera looks saah-weeeeet! I'll be watching for your amazing photography skills to show up here, on your blog :) Good luck getting all your stuff done for camp and keep me up to date on your life :)

  2. Kellyn I love your camera! I'm so jealous!! Hope you have a great 2 weeks at home. I'll be looking for your updates on your life. I miss you already!
