Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Good bye for now

Thats right folks...I am taking a break from blogging! I decided to take a break at least for a little while. These are my reasons why:

-Instead of writing about my life online where my friends read about it, I want to connect with people more face to face. I want to take time out of my day to sit down with friends and catch up on each others lives!

-I used to journal quite alot. Thats right...an actual pen and paper! I want to get back to doing that. There is nothing more inspiring than filling up a page with your thoughts. There is something about it that is different from typing.

-I know that only a few people read my blog, which I am totally okay with. But at the same time, I don't see the point in blogging when no one reads it....I can do that through journaling (and be able to be more candid with my thoughts and not offend anyone).

-I am just plain lazy.

So Long For A While! I will be back some day!

Now that you are done reading this....go out and make a real life connection with someone!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Who are these people I call roommates?!?

So last night was starting off to be a pretty uneventful night. I worked the desk from 5-7, which is always super boring! Then I came back and spent a good 2 hours working on my Chapter questions for my Collaboration class. SIDE NOTE: I hate it when professors give you chapter questions where each of the questions have like 5 parts to them! BACK TO TOPIC AT HAND. After a while I decided to take a break and somehow all four of us roomies ended up chilling in Beth and Carrie's room. It was so much fun! We were being dumb and crazy and laughing so hard! I loved every minute of it! We are such a random group of girls who most people probably look at us and think we are soooo weird but I love it!

Later Beth, Carrie, and I were out in the living room talking about how if you would have told us at the beginning last year that we would all be sharing an apartment, we would have not believed it! Last year I didn't really start to get to know Beth and Carrie until second semester and now I consider them two of my closest friends! It is amazing who God puts together as friends. I am so thankful for their crazy friendship and the joy all three of my roommates bring to my life!

"These are my roommates....This is how my crazy roommates act....."
(ride imaginary horse around the room)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Good Music brings out the best in me.

I am currently sitting at the desk in Baker/Roush dorm. Normally I get really annoyed and bored while working the desk, but today is different. Today I am listening to the Garden State Soundtrack. Today I am happy.

The Garden State Soundtrack is full of brilliant music. Check it out. It will be worthwhile!

Much love blogworld! K

Monday, November 2, 2009


PINK TEAM ARE THE WINNERS OF OLYMPIAD 2009! Here are a few pictures!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Coco Chanel was an interesting woman...

Some one asked me the other day where the title of my blog came from. They wanted to know if it was just a random thought from my brain or if it was actually from something. So I thought I would give you an idea of where the title came from.

My title comes from a Coco Chanel quote. That's all there is to it. Nothing more really. I know you all wanted it to be some deep thinking answer. But alas it tis not.

Fashion is made to become unfashionable. -Coco Chanel

Pictures of olympiad coming soon!