Thats right folks...I am taking a break from blogging! I decided to take a break at least for a little while. These are my reasons why:
-Instead of writing about my life online where my friends read about it, I want to connect with people more face to face. I want to take time out of my day to sit down with friends and catch up on each others lives!
-I used to journal quite alot. Thats actual pen and paper! I want to get back to doing that. There is nothing more inspiring than filling up a page with your thoughts. There is something about it that is different from typing.
-I know that only a few people read my blog, which I am totally okay with. But at the same time, I don't see the point in blogging when no one reads it....I can do that through journaling (and be able to be more candid with my thoughts and not offend anyone).
-I am just plain lazy.
So Long For A While! I will be back some day!
Now that you are done reading this....go out and make a real life connection with someone!!
12 years ago