Saturday, April 4, 2009

Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

Last night I was still recovering from being sick (in fact I am still recovering!)...but after working at the desk from 4-6:40 I came back up here and started to watch Lie to Me on Hulu. If you haven't seen this show, you need to because it is awesome! It is about a firm that helps police solve cases by reading the suspects faces to see if they are telling the truth or not. It is really interesting and you should check it out!

Then I went to Dollar Tree and Taco Bell with Bradie and Brittley. Dollar Tree is such a great place! I could spend so much time in there looking at all the random crap....and it is only for a dollar! I got some apple juice, white cheddar SmartPop (which is amazing!), and some frebrezze (or however you spell it). Then we got Taco Bell and came back here and watched two hours of the top 100 80's One Hit Wonders! It was brilliant. I love 80's music! The top One Hit Wonder of the 80's is.....(drumroll)......Come on Eileen!
Side note: This is a picture of a dollar tree....however it is NOT a picture of the Huntington Dollar Tree!

Beth and I then made cookies! Just what I needed...they hit the spot perfectly! We made one big cookie with the last bit of dough! It was sweet! I didn't think that it could cook evenly but it sweet.

Overall a fun filled Friday night at HU.....just goes to show you that you don't have to go out or spend a ton of money to have a good just some good friends to chill with!

1 comment:

  1. Kellyn. I just finished watching that whole season of Greek. Not good. I kind of want to watch Lie to me. Not good. I have homework to do. Not good.

    Oooh, but making cookies with you...that WAS good :)
